
Thursday, March 10, 2016

Bookish Bucketlist from Becky Albertalli

 This week I welcome my first author to Bookish Bucketlists!! The amazingly wonderful Becky Albertalli, author of Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda!! So excited that Becky could find the time in her busy schedule to share her list of authors she wants to meet. Let's see who they are.

Something clicked for me while making this list: I am the luckiest fangirl in the world. There are so many authors who would have appeared on this list, except…I’ve already met them! Sometimes more than once! I can’t explain what that means to me. Sometimes I can’t believe this is my life.

That said, I’m greedy af, and there are so many others I’m dying to meet/hug/marry/grow old with. In no particular order:

  1. Jaclyn Moriarty – I have had the most embarrassingly huge author crush on Jaclyn Moriary for such a long time. I have multiple copies of her books. There might have been fan mail involved. I don’t think I’d be able to form words if I met her, but I am still desperate for it to happen one day.
  2. Heidi Schulz – I can’t explain how much I love this person and love her books. Heidi is one of my closest friends, but if you look at a U.S. map, our homes are a long, sad diagonal line away from each other. Therefore, I need apparition to exist, ASAP.
  3. J.K. Rowling – Speaking of apparition. Speaking of my heart. I don’t think I need to explain this one.
  4. Rainbow Rowell – I love everything Rainbow Rowell touches. I just do. I don’t usually see myself in the books I read, but Rainbow’s books are my mirror books. I love them, I ship them, and I’m completely in awe of her.
  5. Angela Thomas – True story: I should have already met Angela. We had a plan. There was much scheming. And then we both managed to get sick and goopy. I still intend to cross this one off my bucket list THIS VERY MONTH, but the anticipation is so huge it hurts. Angela is my agent sister and one of my closest friends – and her book is so unforgettably amazing that I can’t believe I actually know her.
  6. Lianne Oelke – Another agent sister and friend – but I actually fell in love with her book before I knew her! Lianne better be ready for some incoherent fangirl gushing when we finally meet in person, because that is freaking happening.   
  7. Roxane Gay- I dunno, guys. She’s kind of my hero in every way. This is definitely another person who may get nothing but awed, reverent silence from me.
  8. Ellen Oh – Ellen is both a favorite author and an utter world-changing badass. I will lose my shit when – not if – I finally meet her in person.
  9. Stephanie Perkins – I remember reading ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS for the first time and thinking: this. This is what I want to do. If I could write something half this perfect, I’d be completely satisfied. Her books make me FEEL stuff. I’m meeting her in April, and my heart can’t take it.
  10. Stephen Chbosky – He’s the lone dude on this list, but he’s so important to me. Stephen Chbosky wrote the book that saved me as a teen. I’m dying to tell him so in person.

Thank you so much Becky for taking the time from your busy schedule to share your bucketlist! You can find out more about Becky and her books here and believe me you want to know this wonderful person!

I'd love to have you for a future edition of Bookish Bucketlists! If you are interested check out this post and sign up!

1 comment:

  1. I'd love to meet Rainbow Rowell! She seems like so much fun! And I'd die if I ever met Stephanie Perkins, her books are just perfection!
